3 Aspects of Big Bang Disruption

3 Aspects of Big Bang Disruption

Big Bang Disruption, an article recently in the Harvard Business Review, builds upon Everett Rogers classic customer adoption model and Geoffrey Moore’s “Crossing the Chasm”. Specifically, the previous model looks like this: And the new model looks like this: The authors describe three devastating features of big bang disrupters: Unencumbered Development As […]

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The Definition of Curation

The Definition of Curation

cu·ra·tion (kyəˈrāshən) The subjective selection, categorization, and arrangement of content. There are a vast variety of definitions of content curation on the web. Heidi Cohen aggregated 19 different definitions on her blog alone. Part of the cause behind such variety is the inadequate definition offered by Websters Dictionary: “past part. of curare to […]

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The Future of Retail is Curation

The Future of Retail is Curation

“In short, curation looks to provide customers with the best possible products instead of the most products possible.” The Motley Fool just wrote a great piece on curation entitled The Future of Retail is Curation. The article starts by observing that while, for example, the Amazon star rating system helped […]

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Manipulate Strings With Excel – Add Characters

Manipulate Strings With Excel – Add Characters

My goal is to turn the string http://google.com into “http://google.com/*” for over 800 different domains, which is way too many to do manually. There are several ways to manipulate strings in excel using the CONCATENATE function, which is well described in this tech republic article, but I will share the […]

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Content Filter Framework

Content Filter Framework

Overview Organization starts in the mind. When we develop a sense of order in our minds and apply it to the world, we organize. Interestingly, our sense of order has predictable attributes. The first pair of attributes describes perspective, which can be subjective or objective. The second pair of attributes […]

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